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Amorim Top Series reinforces its commitment to sustainability and invests in wood stoppers

Businesses and consumers are increasingly aware of the urgent need to take actions to safeguard the planet’s future.
The Amorim group has been dedicated to ensuring sustainability for decades, inspired by the inherent sustainability of cork - a 100% natural product which is harvested without harming the cork trees.
The cork oak forest is one of the world’s most important biodiversity hotspots on a par with the Amazon, the African Savanna and Borneo.

At Amorim Top Series recent initiatives include the launch of a 100% natural bar top stopper, which combines natural cork with a cork flange that is made from over 50% of cork and new bio-based polymers that are exclusively derived from renewable sources.   This new product line is the result of a major R&D commitment and to the best of the company’s knowledge there is no equivalent in the market.
Bio-based polymers of a natural origin are an alternative to oil-based polymers, and make it possible to reduce the environmental impact of manufactured spirits closures.
This new product has caught the attention of specialist press and consumers, including references in prestigious media outlets such as The Spirits Business and The Drinks Business.
The 100% natural stoppers are available across ATS’ market segments - Elegance, Premium and Classic Value – and have sparked considerable interest from clients, with the expectation of considerable future growth as the need to ensure environmentally friendly stoppers increases.
The stoppers are elegantly designed and offer great physical and mechanical resistance, making them an attractive alternative to stoppers using oil-based polymers.
The project was developed through a partnership between Amorim Top Series and Amorim Cork Composites, another business unit within the Amorim Group whose raison d’être is based on reintegrating cork residue and waste residues from other industries to launch new commercially attractive products for highly-demanding industries - including aerospace, panels and composites, automobile, seals and joints, electric power industry, construction, sports surfaces, decks, consumer goods, furniture and footwear.

In addition to its 100% natural stopper, Amorim Top Series strives to maximise its sustainability and minimise its carbon footprint throughout all its activities.
These TS 100% Natural stoppers also have the unique advantage of being possibly integrated in Amorim’s recycling program – Recork – turning used closures into flooring and insulation solutions, enabling this way to close the circle on the lifecycle of the closures ATS produces.
Bio-based polymers is only part of the story.  The company has significantly reinforced its capacity to use closures that incorporate wooden tops since clients value wood as a natural alternative, that also offers a more premium look, with high versatility in terms of personalising – finishes, colours, and branding. 
To reinforce its capacity to supply wooden capsulated stoppers, in 2018 Corticeira Amorim - via its subsidiary Amorim Bartop - Investimentos e Participações, SA, part of the Cork Stoppers Business Unit (BU) - acquired 70% of Swedish company Elfverson for €5,5 million.

The Amorim Group also recently acquired Portuguese stoppers firm, Biocape - Importação e Exportação de Cápsulas Lda, which is investing in growing its production capacity for wooden stoppers.
Another recent sustainability initiative at Amorim Top Series is the development of a pallet-size box which uses less cardboard, including the design of more ergonomic solutions for opening / use.
The goals are to reduce the amount of packaging materials by 30%, insert another 20% of product in each packaging / transport unit, and increase the quantity of product that may be stocked in the same space.
At a global level, Amorim Top Series has streamlined its operations, merging two companies in France, reinforcing the global distribution network and guaranteeing a network of TopSeries specialists across the globe that can provide specialist advice on how clients can maximise their sustainability and minimise their carbon footprint.

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