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Top Series Expert launched in April!

Amorim Top Series has just launched a new section of its website – Top Series Expert – which offers detailed technical information on the specifications and results of its stopper portfolio.

The new section is designed to work in tandem with the overall site, that profiles the overall range of stoppers and includes other specialist sections such as the Inspiration Box (see separate article) and the Innovation section.

Our overall website aims to empower clients so that they can become an active partner in choosing the best stopper for their needs. This includes in-depth technical understanding of stopper science.

Top Series Expert begins with information on the different types of cork stopper, including their main characteristics, composition and varieties, the difference between natural cork, neutrotop and colmated cork, the different types of surface treatment and the advantages of cork over artificial stoppers.
Technical information is provided on how to insert and extract stoppers, the difference between stoppers for brown and white spirits and the main different segments and materials for capsules.
In terms of new innovations, technical information is provided on ATS’ ground-breaking innovations, such as Freedecor, Notable, Sense Tops, Whitetop® and Spice Box.
Short videos are available on key topics, including how to open stoppers, overview of the stopper range, the Design Centre, bottling recommendations, cork size recommendations, and advanced testing solutions.
Top Series Expert also provides detailed data on utilization, storage and transport precautions, sustainability, and technical support.

The attractive, intuitively-designed section enables clients to get answers to detailed questions and discover new fields of knowledge.

Become an Expert today!

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